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Emails not linked to their Auto-Linked Opportunities


Email addresses that you have set to Auto-Link to Opportunities aren't getting linked.


The way that Auto-Linked addresses are handled was changed with version 8.2 on November 27th, 2020.

You must update for them to work.

You can get the update file from the latest Release Notes.

Back-Filling the Gap

Once updated, auto-linked addresses will get linked for new emails.

But ones that didn't get linked since the update won't get picked up.

You can run the attached file to have Prophet find the older emails.

Note that you probably need to be a Windows Administrator to run it.

But it can't be run by IT.

If you're not able to run it, please contact Avidian Support.


If you have any trouble going through the steps or would like help, please call Avidian Prophet Technical Support at 855-284-3426 x2. 

Or you can email

Or you can create a Support ticket (Conversation) here.

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  1. Shelly McNaught

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  3. Updated
